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Academic Information

Students entering the university in 2024 and afterwards are required to complete liberal arts education courses according to the following basic structure. For those who entered in 2023 or before, refer to ‘Transitional Measures’.

Liberal Arts Education Courses, Basic Structure and Credits
구분, 분야(안)
Classification Middle Class Course Credits Year to Take Remarks

Civilizations in a Global Context

Human Quest for Values 3 1  
Global Citizen 3 1  
From Big Bang to Civilizations 3

all years

Writing Introspection and Expression 3 1 compulsory in the 1st year
Thematic Studies 3 2  
English University English 2 1 two credits, three hours ※ Global Campus: For foreign students, “University English” can be substituted for one of “Korean 1”, “Korean 2”, “Understanding of Korean 1”, or “Understanding of “Korean 2”.
Subtotal 17 or more

1. Life, Universe , Mankind

required to select three out of five categories

9 or more all years three credits for three hours in each course

2. Analysis, Reasoning, Logic

3. Symbol, Culture, Communication

4..Society, Community, Peace

5. Intelligence, Information, Future

Subtotal 9 or more
Electives Electives 3 or more 1
all years
Subtotal 3 or more
Total Liberal Arts Education Credits 29 or more

up to 56 credits(Seoul campus)/up to 50 credits(Global campus) can be recognized

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